Business Model Canvas – BMC

Business Model Canvas (BMC)

Take the lead and download BMC for free before anyone else does!

Using our mobile app for the Business Model Canvas is super important for entrepreneurs because it makes the process much easier and more accessible.

With a mobile app, you can work on your business model canvas on-the-go, from anywhere you are.


Plus, it allows you to collaborate with others on your team in real-time, even if you’re not all in the same physical location.



Using a mobile app for the Business Model Canvas save you a lot of time and hassle. No more trying to cram all of your ideas onto a whiteboard or flipchart, only to have to start over from scratch if you need to make changes or update your canvas. With a mobile app, everything is digital and can be easily edited and modified as needed.


The first block is Customer Segments, where you identify the specific groups of people or organizations that you want to target. In our app, you can add information such as age, location, income, and behavior patterns of your target audience.


The second block is Value Proposition, where you describe the unique value your product or service offers to your customers. You can add details on what problem your product solves, what needs it fulfills, and how it’s different from your competitors.


Next up is Channels, where you list the different ways you plan to reach and interact with your customers. In our app, you can add information on how you’ll advertise, promote, and distribute your product or service.



Customer Relationships, where you describe how you plan to create and maintain relationships with your customers. This could include customer service, feedback collection, and loyalty programs.


Key Resources is where you list the critical resources your business needs to operate, such as employees, equipment, and technology.


Key Activities covers the primary tasks that your business needs to perform to create value. For example, this could include product development, marketing, and sales.


Key Partnerships is where you list any external partners that your business relies on, such as suppliers or strategic alliances.


Cost Structure is where you outline the different costs associated with running your business, including fixed and variable costs.





Our mobile app can make filling out the Business Model Canvas quick and easy, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on developing a solid business plan.


Undertaking a SWOT analysis alone is not recommended, as involving your team is essential for achieving optimal results. Doing so enables you to obtain valuable feedback, validate diverse perspectives, and consider potential edge cases.


Our application simplifies the process of sharing your work with others, as you can easily include them by scanning the QR code or sending a link.


All data will be accessible in real-time, thereby allowing for seamless collaboration, regardless of location.

Achieve victory in the competition before anyone else!